Family Conflicts and Tensions Rising During Pandemic

Family conflicts and tensions amid pandemic is another Global Crisis we’re facing following Covid-19. The Pandemic brought massive unhealthy stress to the world. As a result of it, we are witnessing increased mental health issues. These issues are, in reality, rooted in the violent behaviors of those around us. While some people found this pandemic an opportunity to connect to their loved ones, others felt miserably stuck in abusive relationships. This pandemic has fueled the already existing tensions within family members.

Acknowledging the Causes

To lift the curtain from the possible solutions to this Global Crisis, we’ve to first acknowledge the seriousness of this problem and its causes. Covid-19 is undoubtedly a Global Health Crisis. It has given rise to negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, and frustration in the midst of uncertainty that have massively increased within families. Generally, people are not well acquainted with managing these negative emotions. Moreover, increased fear of being infected with Covid-19, the loss of jobs due to increased unemployment, social isolation, and lack of adequate health support only fueled those unhealthy emotions. This, in consequence, added to the stressful situation occurring within families.

Stuck Under the Same Roof

Domestic Violence is an outcome of a reactionary response to stressful situations. It has been one of the increasing international crises. The escalated economic uncertainty and poverty have made it worse. This pandemic aggravated the risk for those vulnerable victims that were stuck under the same roof with abusive family members. Violence from family members can be manifested in the form of both physical abuse and emotional abuse. Previously, you may be using different coping strategies to escape your family conflicts. After social isolation, however, it may be worsening your mental health conditions due to limited options to escape.

Putting Out the Fire

The increased economic uncertainty is calling on the betterment of healthcare provisions. Training families through Group Learning Programs about stress management is becoming a necessity for Public Health Managers. Providing shelter for the victims is necessary for minimizing the harm to the victims. While allocating the budget for healthcare has been a source of great worry for the Governments, neglecting the seriousness of this problem will lead to another serious Global Crisis.

Coping Strategies

This pandemic might converge economic, social, and political factors that may aggravate the existing crises. You need to learn different coping strategies to save yourself from the damage. You may wonder, how can I find family law solicitors near me? With adequate knowledge of laws related to family conflicts, you can find the family law solicitors near you online. Various governmental and non-governmental organizations have been working in this regard. You may use other coping strategies such as reducing the intake of news related to the virus, decreasing the time with abusive family members, and building strong personal healthy boundaries. This will lessen the exposure to negative emotions and minimize the damage caused by the emotional abuse by offensive family members.

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