How Elderberry Saves You from Winter Illness?

Cold and Flu is a common type of winter illness that can take anybody down and be a pain. As soon as winter arrives, people start stocking medicines as a precaution to sail through winters. Elderberry is one of those things too. But what is Elderberry? and Is Elderberry a good immune booster? Read more to find out in this article.

What is Elderberry?

Elderberry is one of the most versatile fruits that has several solutions for different types of illness. There are more than 30 types of elderberry plants around the world. It was known as the “Father of Medicine” in ancient times and to date, it is one of the most healing plants in the world. The plant is a European native and grows in other parts of the world too. It is used in treatment medicines to cure winter illnesses such as cold and flu.

Uses of Elderberry

Elderberry flowers and berries are the most particular source of Elderberry medicine. The extracts from Elderberry flowers and berries are used in the manufacturing of different medicines. Other chemicals are also combined with it to form a more concentrated product.

The elderberry plant has several health benefits. They are equipped with antioxidants and vitamins that help boost your immune system. Elderberries are also used in the treatment of:

  • Constipation
  • Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Kidney Problems
  • Breathing Infections
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Skin diseases

Some doctors and medical experts also recommend elderberry for the treatment of stress and heart-related issues.

Elderberry has other several uses that include syrups, gums, pills, lozenges, and tea. Elderberry is also used in food coloring, body lotion, jam, and even wine.

Black Elderberry Juice – Fliederbeeren Saft.

Does it Work?

Elderberry has collected massive support from those who have been using it. They consider it the best healing medicine. Studies also suggest that using elderberry helps reduce the severity and duration of winter illnesses like cold and flu. Doctors also suggest that taking elderberry as a daily supplement is also healthy since it is high in vitamin C and other dietary fibers.

Another research conducted on 60 adults proved that sipping 15ml of elderberry daily helps reduce the duration of illness by at least four days when compared with other medicines.

However, this is still a significant amount of research required to prove its benefits as only small-scale experiments have been conducted to date.

Read also: Is Elderberry a Good Immune Booster?

Does it Have Any Side Effects?

Elderberry has a few possible side effects that vary from person to person. Hence, it is recommended to talk to your doctor before taking any such medicine. Elderberry can increase the effect of diabetes medicines in patients. It does support the immune system however, pregnant women or lactating mothers should consult their gynecologist first. People having an overactive immune system must avoid taking elderberry as it could create a problem to your immune system.