Which Cyber-Attack Methods Do Hackers Use the Most?

The frequency of cyber-attack is detrimentally increasing. It is one of the most convenient practices for theft for IT experts or should say IT criminals instead. It is not just the individuals but, corporate sectors fall prey to cyber thefts. On a large scale, people do not realize that they are getting trapped in a cage. The professional Cyber-thieves know the strategies really well to trigger the target person for action. They are well aware of the loopholes and call for action tricks, of which the targeted people are usually unaware. Therefore, all the individuals and corporates must take precautions and avoid getting into scams. It is possible by getting aware of the techniques (overt and covert) that the cyber-criminals use to extract data from the targeted side. According to IT support services Manchester, thousands of people make hack attempts regularly in the UK.

The Most Common Strategies That Hackers Use Are:

1- Malware:

Most commonly, the cyber attackers look for a way to find access to your computer. They may use malware to do so. Malware is an infected software like a virus. The attackers lead you to take action to download malware in your computer to get access. The malware can come in the shape of harmless attachments, but they are infected with viruses that allow a hacker access to your computer. While surfing and downloading something on the internet, you might see a pop up appearing on the screen. clicking it, consciously or unconsciously, will allow the malware to reach your computer or device. And the attacker will quietly and smoothly clutch the required information.

2- Phishing:

In case you avoid falling prey to malware, there is another tactic cyber-criminals use to compel you to click malware. This scam uses the strategy to elicit fear at first hand and force you to take the action. You may receive an email or messages on social media from someone you know. The message will tell you that you to click the link mentioned to avoid suspension of an account. You will snap to click the link and nothing, you are successfully scammed.  

3- SQL Injection Attack:

SQL stands for Standard Query language; it is one of the programming languages used to communicate with databases, that contain highly sensitive data. It is usually used by businesses and corporate firms, to store customers’ data. If the IT criminal gets access to the data by using malicious codes, he will scrap all the stored data. 

4- Denial of Service Attack:

Denial of service attack also known as DoS is a strategy used by the cyber attackers to attack a website amid increased traffic on the website, which becomes impossible for the website to handle. The attackers may intendedly increase the traffic influx to make it susceptible to attack. 

5- Similar Credentials:

It is usually recommended to users to set unique passwords for different platforms, unfortunately, it is usually neglected. Once hackers find personal information, they rely on this strategy by getting access to multiple platforms with a single password.Â