How Much Of A Hassle Is It Switching Developers Post Launch?

Any software project comes with great cost not only financially but for resources too. One of the most important elements is the developer that is engaged with the project. Many software companies in Manchester pay a lot of focus on hiring a developer that would stay with them especially when a project is to be launched. Here are a few reasons why this culture is adopted:

The Developer Knows The Code

The first thing is the code. For any IT related project, a developer’s team is formed so that they can complete the project within time. However, if any of the member leaves, the team’s performance diminishes. This is because each developer is assigned a part of the project; hence they’re the ones that know what’s in that section’s code. With them leaving, the present developers will need to go through everything to align it with the rest of the code. Thus, this makes things sloppy, which is a high risk, especially if the project is due within weeks.

Hiring A New Resource Is A Hassle

Hiring a new developer is no less troublesome. First, the company would need to recruit someone that complies with their terms and is fit with their job. Next, that person aka new developer will go through the same process. Each developer has his approach regarding the construction of the code. Not only the new developer will need to go through the existing code, but he will need to align his methods with the demands of the company and the project. This creates multiple confusions and ambiguities that can damage the project’s launch.

Lack Of Information

There are times when developers take their managed data with them. Although that’s not a professional practice if things end in a bad way, the resigning developer may do that. The risk, however, increases based on the dependency of the company on the said developer. The more the company is dependant, the more will be the risk. Companies tend to facilitate such employees so that this risk can be mitigated by keeping them happy. 

Handover Period

Knowing that a person is leaving, the company may ask the resigning developer for a handover period. This period is initialized when the company manages to bring a replacement. The person leaving would then need to not only handover things to the new guy but provide complete information and knowledge related to the project. This again brings problems for the company as it would again need to spend resources, develop understanding, and manage things for the person taking over.

Managing The Deadline

The last and probably the most fearsome thing is the deadline for the project. Companies hassle with managing the deadline for the project. In severe cases, the project is done for and the company loses its client and reputation. However, in many cases, the company can get an extension in the deadline.
These are some issues that organizations face after losing developers post-launch. Keeping them facilitated and offering contracts that benefit them is a core solution to this and should be considered to minimize this issue.

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