3 Ways to Use PPC for Business Marketing

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click and is an online advertising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their online ads. Basically, it’s like throwing money at an election and buying votes. You pay for your audience and quickly get viewers.

There are all kinds of PPC ads out there but the most popular is paid search ads. These ads will show up in prominent positions when you search online for a product or service through a search engine.

In search engine advertising, advertisers need to bid for ad placement. If their bid is successful, links to their website will show up when someone searches a keyword related to their product or service.

If you’re looking to hire a PPC management company near you then just type something like, “PPC management Manchester” in a search engine.

So PPC can definitely be used for your business marketing. This article will discuss three ways to use PPC for business advertisement.

Identify Your Target Audience

Before you can pick the what and where of your marketing campaign, you first have to decide the who – your target audience, and the how – where you will contact them.

The most ideal approach to contact different audiences is to comprehend their unique difficulties and how you can be of use to them.

You could load up a campaign with whatever keywords you like and pull the trigger.

But if your customers aren’t searching for your product using the phrases you target, then your campaign will be a bust.

Even worse, if you target the wrong keywords, you could wind up spending a lot of money with little to no conversions.

Google PPC Ads

How does PPC work on Google Ads? In a PPC campaign, you pay Google however much you wish to have them list ads for your site at the top and right of the organic search listings. When someone clicks on your ad, you pay the current Cost Per Click (CPC) from your budget.

Once your entire budget has been depleted, Google ceases to run your ads until you replenish your fund. There are several different types of Google Ads, including search ads, local search ads, display ads, and remarketing.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads have an unmatched targeting system. As Facebook also owns Instagram, using Facebook Ads will allow you to put your ads on Instagram as well.

Facebook Ads have two big advantages: retargeting based on segmented marketing and custom audiences and the ability to introduce your brand to customers who didn’t know they wanted it. Google Ads work on what the customers are demanding while Facebook Ads essentially creates the demand for you.


No two ad platforms are exactly alike. This allows advertisers the opportunity to gain massive reach to potential customers across audiences and online behaviours. So which PPC ad platform is right for your business? Your business will likely benefit from several of the platforms like Bing, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest Ads.